
Discover a wealth of practical advice for the life of your cats, your dogs, your birds and your rodents.

Decontamination of a Poisoned Patient

Decontamination of a Poisoned Patient

In veterinary medicine, the primary treatment for exposure to a toxic substance is decontamination. The purpose of decontamination is to prevent further absorption and to remove the toxic substance from the animal's body. In most exposures, there is only a...

Vaccine Reactions

Vaccine Reactions

Vaccination is the best way to protect your pet from infectious diseases. The principle of vaccination is to administer to the animal a small dose of disease-causing organisms (viruses or bacteria) that have been either "killed" or modified. This will...

Kennel Cough

Kennel Cough

What is kennel cough? Kennel cough in dogs is very similar to the common cold in humans; it’s an infection of the upper respiratory tract. The main symptom is a dry, hacking cough that produces phlegm. This disease is highly...

Ferret Vaccination

Ferret Vaccination

Distemper is a fatal disease in ferrets. Several animals can carry the virus (dog, fox, raccoon, skunk, etc.) and transmit it to ferrets through nasal/oral secretions, urine, stools and even by direct contact with the skin. Symptoms associated with the...

Does Your Pet Suffer from Itching?

Does Your Pet Suffer from Itching?

Your pet scratches, chews and licks himself all the time? Canine and feline itching is often a symptom of an allergy. But an allergy to what? That is the question… If you notice signs of intense itching, better consult your...

Why is it Important to Take Obedience Classes With Your Dog?

Why is it Important to Take Obedience Classes With Your Dog?

Why should you follow a group obedience course with your dog when we can train him yourself? The major causes of disobedience in your dog are misunderstanding, confusion, lack of reinforcement and inconsistency. In a group class, you are taught...

Common Foods That Are Toxic for Your Cats and Dogs

Common Foods That Are Toxic for Your Cats and Dogs

Chocolate is probably the best known of toxic foods - its toxicity comes from an alkaloid called theobromine. This substance is toxic in cats and dogs with a dose of 100-150 mg / kg; the darker the chocolate, the richer...

The Brachicephalic Symdrome

The Brachicephalic Symdrome

This congenital and hereditary problem develops in brachycephalic dogs, that is, dogs that have a larger head and a flattened muzzle. The breeds most at risk are therefore the Bulldog, Pug, Pekingese, Boxer, Boston Terrier, Shar Pei, some Shih Tzu...

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