
How to Introduce a New Pet With Your Dogs and Cats

The arrival of a new cat or dog is often stressful, both for the new arrival and for the pets who already live in the home. Here are some tips for introducing this new pet with your dogs and cats:


Preparing for the Arrival of the New Cat or Dog

In order to promote a positive encounter between the new animal and your pets, it is essential to separate them for the first few days. This is especially true for cats: it is important to give them time to adapt to their new environment before meeting their new companions. Provide a safe room where your new pet can live for the first 24 to 48 hours. It can be helpful to change rooms for your pets before you have them meet for the first time, so the new pet can explore the whole house.


Show Available Resources

One of the first steps to take after releasing a cat or dog into their new environment is to show them the location where they can relieve themselves. It is also essential to make fresh water and food easily available, safe from competition with other animals in the house.


Pheromone Diffusers

There are products available in veterinary stores that promote animal cohabitation and help reduce stress in pets. Among other things, some products use synthetic pheromones to generate a soothing and harmonious environment. Find out more from the store of your veterinary clinic.


Supervised Meetings

After the first days of adaptation to the environment, you may proceed with the meeting between the current house pets and the newcomer. Do short, supervised, remote encounters first. Then, depending on how each animal behaves, allow them to gradually get closer. It is important that these meetings be voluntary at all times. Let the animals interact at their own pace.


Positive Encounters

To make every experience positive, reward them with their favorite treats. As well, promote play between your pets, which is always joyful and often allows harmonious relationships.


Disease Prevention

Make sure your new companion is adequately protected so as not to expose your pets to pathogens. Consult your veterinarian for vaccination, screening and deworming recommendations. This also applies to your existing pets, who will now be exposed to a new animal that could potentially carry certain pathogens.