Clinique Vétérinaire Hochelaga

Your pet is a member of your family and ours; it is a best friend, and even a confidant!

That's why our dedicated team of veterinarians, technicians, assistant technicians and receptionists is always there, ready to care for your pet and give you the most appropriate advice to ensure its well-being and health.

She’s Not Fat… She’s Just Fluffy!

Do you like Kitty's plumpness? However, her curves are a ticking time bomb.

Obesity is defined as being 10 to 20% overweight when compared to the ideal weight for a given breed. In America, it is estimated that approximately 58% of cats are obese or overweight!

Fat is almost an organ in itself. It secretes many substances, some of which cause inflammation. Obesity increases the burden on the heart and legs. It also predisposes to diabetes, chronic respiratory problems, urinary problems, liver problems, and constipation.

Therefore, it is important to measure your cat's food intake and promote exercise. Offering canned food will reduce the caloric intake and significantly increase the water intake of your pet. Your doubts have been confirmed: Kitty needs to go on a diet! There are low-calorie veterinary diets and weight-loss programs available. However, this weight loss must be gradual and supervised. Adding an interactive bowl to the environment will spice up Kitty's life and force her to move to "earn" her food. This is a great trick for compulsive eaters!

Don't hesitate to bring up the issue during your next visit to your veterinarian. When it comes to obesity, prevention is better! It's not that easy to get Kitty back to a healthy weight!


Oh No… the Cat Peed on the Bed!

The horror! Max has urinated in the middle of the bed. Once you get over the initial shock, there are a few things to check:

  • Under which circumstances did this happen? Was there a stressful event?
  • Is the litter box clean?
  • How has Max been feeling lately?
  • Did he urinate a lot more, or a lot less than usual?

Urinating out of the litter box can hide a medical problem. Having a physical exam and urinalysis done is a smart choice. Bladder inflammation, urinary crystals, diabetes, or kidney failure are all factors that can explain this "bad" behaviour. If the tests do not reveal anything, it may be a behavioural issue.

It is very important to keep the litter box spotless! We recommend that the number of litter boxes in a house be equal to the number of cats + 1. It is preferable to use a litter box without a dome, filled with unscented material... And it must be emptied every day! The box itself should be cleaned thoroughly once a week and replaced every year. Place it in a quiet and easily accessible place. Not next to the furnace!

Despite normal test results and perfect litter box management, Max may continue to urinate in inappropriate places. In this case, anxiety may be the source of the problem. This is a diagnosis of exclusion, which means that other reasons have been ruled out. Possible therapeutic approaches include synthetic hormones, milk protein hydrolysates, antidepressants, environmental enrichment. We will discuss these further in a subsequent article.

When it comes to cleaning up Max’s mess, there are different products available to neutralize odours. Cleaning should be completed quickly. Avoid bleach, as it will attract Max to the same spot! Note that bleach is an excellent disinfectant... except in this case, it’s not the best idea!

If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian!


Under Pressure

Did you know that Max can suffer from hypertension? The most common causes of high blood pressure in cats are hyperthyroidism and chronic renal failure. Sometimes, there is no specific cause; this is called idiopathic hypertension.

Hypertension affects:

  • 2% of all cats, and 9% of cats older than 10
  • 80% of cats with hyperthyroidism
  • More often males than females

This condition is called the "silent killer" because Max may suffer from it without showing any symptoms. However, his eyes, brain, heart and kidneys are at risk of damage. Hypertension over 200 mm can cause retinal detachment. Cardiac hypertrophy develops within one month of chronic hypertension appearing. As a result, 42% of hypertensive cats will also have a heart murmur or arrhythmia. As well, 92% of cats with high blood pressure also have kidney disease at the onset. They may also show changes in mental status due to brain damage.

A diagnosis is made with a device similar to the one used for humans, but adapted for pets. An adequate measurement may be difficult to obtain if Max is under a lot of stress when being handled.

How is hypertension treated?

  • By addressing the primary cause, for example by treating hyperthyroidism if present.
  • By avoiding foods that are rich in sodium, especially cat treats!
  • By putting Max on a weight-loss diet to control his obesity.
  • By prescribing medication with blood pressure monitoring. Pressure should be monitored regularly until normal values are achieved. Afterwards, it is best to have blood pressure checked 2 to 4 times a year.


Hôpital Vétérinaire du Boisé

Your pet is a member of your family and ours; it is a best friend, and even a confidant!

That's why our dedicated team of veterinarians, technicians, assistant technicians and receptionists is always there, ready to care for your pet and give you the most appropriate advice to ensure its well-being and health.

Bureau Vétérinaire Côté

Your pet is a member of your family and ours; it is a best friend, and even a confidant!

That's why our dedicated team of veterinarians, technicians, assistant technicians and receptionists is always there, ready to care for your pet and give you the most appropriate advice to ensure its well-being and health.

Clinique Vétérinaire Côté

Your pet is a member of your family and ours; it is a best friend, and even a confidant!

That's why our dedicated team of veterinarians, technicians, assistant technicians and receptionists is always there, ready to care for your pet and give you the most appropriate advice to ensure its well-being and health.

Clinique Vétérinaire de la Gare

Your pet is a member of your family and ours; it is a best friend, and even a confidant!

That's why our dedicated team of veterinarians, technicians, assistant technicians and receptionists is always there, ready to care for your pet and give you the most appropriate advice to ensure its well-being and health.